You could say that Orlando native Jessica Cicada is a pioneer in the tattoo industry. She began her career at a time when there weren’t many female tattoo artists. But her fun, relaxed vibe was a welcome addition to the shops where she worked.
Over 17 years later, Jessica is still having fun with her craft, bringing that same upbeat energy to Hart & Huntington. Here, Jessica encourages clients to explore the abstract side of tattoo art and showcase their own unique style. Practicing what she preaches, Jessica created a style all her own—one that has become quite sought-after. Her tattoos seamlessly blend soft, Watercolor fluidity with bold, Traditional undertones for a style Jessica calls “Neo-Sketch.”
When she’s not having fun creating customized tattoos, Jessica enjoys being a mom to three beautiful kids who keep her busy park hopping, reading comic books, traveling, and “doing anything and everything they can!”