H&H Orlando Rocks at Scar Tattoo Coverups

Without any doubt, life leaves scars. If you're tired of seeing yours or being identified by them when others see you, H&H can help with tattooed scar coverups that will hide what you don't want seen while giving you a piece of art worth showing off.

Here are some common reasons people seek scar tattoo coverups:

  • Scars left from major surgery
  • Scarred tissue left over from accidental injury
  • Cesarean section scars
  • Scars left over from any kind of cuts

We're sure you've got your own reasons for wanting to camouflage your scars. Whatever those reasons are, we can help you choose what tattoos will work best to reach your goal.


The most important thing to consider when deciding if you're ready for a scar coverup is that your tissue must have a chance to heal completely before undergoing a tattoo. If you're in a hurry to cover up a new scar, you'll be well served to invest the time finding the right design and artist until your skin is ready. Messing with already messed up skin is bad news - heal up first.


The next thing you need to know about getting scar tattoo coverups is that scarred tissue holds ink differently than healthy tissue. Be ready to handle that with an open mind when speaking with your tattoo artist about colors. Some colors will work better than others depending on your unique scar and one of our highly skilled tattoo artists will lead you straight about what colors will give you the best results.


The design of your scar coverup will make the biggest impact on your ability to camouflage your scarred tissue. H&H Orlando's experienced tattoo artists are as skilled as they are creative and will give you great advice on how to incorporate the size and structure of your scars into a design that will get the job done and still be a work of art you'll want people to see without seeing the scar.

Scars are permanent but they way you wear them can definitely be changed. You can take control of what you're stuck with and own it creatively, turning it into an image you want seen instead of a scar you'd rather hide. H&H Orlando's team of tattoo artists can help! Schedule an appointment today to talk about scar tattoo coverups with the best in the business.